City Council Moves Forward on Energy Programs

The December 3 Ashland City Council meeting was the scene of a rare “win-win-win” lovefest. The steps taken by the City Council on December 3 aligned with the Ashland’s Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP) in a multitude of ways:  Overall Goal 1. Reduce community greenhouse gas emissions.  CEAP Strategies Supported: BE-1. Support cleaner energyContinueContinue reading “City Council Moves Forward on Energy Programs”

Let’s Take Some Bold Steps

Housing costs are a challenge in Ashland – the right energy policies can help. Here’s some big news:  Beginning in 2025, our city electric utility will have access to $10 million to help homeowners and businesses make energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades that will reduce their utility bills, improve their living environment, and reduceContinueContinue reading “Let’s Take Some Bold Steps”

Welcome to Our New Ashland Energy Policy Series

The City is getting ready to up its game in energy conservation. We’ve got ideas! The City of Ashland appears to be getting ready to make headway on several important issues simultaneously  – reducing the cost and improving the quality of life for Ashlanders who are just getting by while also moving our community alongContinueContinue reading “Welcome to Our New Ashland Energy Policy Series”